℗ 2023 Capriccio, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Released September 1, 2023
Duration 51m 48s
Record Label CapriccioNR
Catalogue No. C8089
Genre Classical (Orchestral)

Anton Bruckner: Symphony No. 2 (1877/1892)

Bruckner Orchester Linz, Markus Poschner

Available in 96 kHz / 24-bit AIFF, FLAC high resolution audio formats
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Symphony No. 2  
I. Moderato
Anton Bruckner; Bruckner Orchester Linz; Markus Poschner
II. Andante. Feierlich, etwas bewegt
Anton Bruckner; Bruckner Orchester Linz; Markus Poschner
III. Scherzo. Mäßig schnell - Trio
Anton Bruckner; Bruckner Orchester Linz; Markus Poschner
IV. Finale. Ziemlich schnell
Anton Bruckner; Bruckner Orchester Linz; Markus Poschner
When Otto Desshoff read through the score of Bruckner’s Second Symphony to determine its suitability for performance by the Vienna Philharmonic, he declared “What nonsense this is”, dooming the work to a life of revisions. Composed in 1871, the work was then known as The Third, since the original second, Zeroëth, hadn't yet been removed from the catalogue of Bruckner's numbered symphonies. Although the premiere of The Second Symphony was quite well received, Bruckner and his team of assistants set about reworking it in 1877, trimming it of any superfluous material, most significantly in the Finale, where a full 193 bars were pruned. This recording of the 1877 version observes all those cuts, without affecting Bruckner’s original, expansive structure.
96 kHz / 24-bit PCM – CapriccioNR Studio Masters
Track title
(dB FS)
(dB FS)
Album average
Range of values
-1.27 to -0.20
-26.41 to -20.96
-21.50 to -16.20
12 to 15
I. Moderato
II. Andante. Feierlich, etwas bewegt
III. Scherzo. Mäßig schnell - Trio
IV. Finale. Ziemlich schnell

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