℗ 2018 Navona
Released August 10, 2018
Duration 50m 33s
Record Label Navona
Catalogue No. NV6174
Genre Classical (Contemporary Era)

Walter Steffens: Two Cells in Sevilla, Op. 106 - Five Songs on Hölderin, Op. 95

Sonja Bruzauskas, Todd R. Miller, Octavio Moreno, Benjamin LeClair, Tali Morgulis, Greenbriar Consortium, David Kirk

Available in 48 kHz / 24-bit AIFF, FLAC audio formats
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Two Cells in Sevilla, Op. 106 "Don Quixote Is Hungry"  
Atishoo! Pater Noster qui es in coelis...
Walter Steffens; Sonja Bruzauskas; Todd R. Miller; Octavio Moreno; Greenbriar Consortium; David Kirk
Prayer Book, My Foot! It's a Romance I'm Reading!
Walter Steffens; Sonja Bruzauskas; Todd R. Miller; Benjamin LeClair; Octavio Moreno; Greenbriar Consortium; David Kirk
I Am the Giant Caraculiambro
Walter Steffens; Sonja Bruzauskas; Todd R. Miller; Benjamin LeClair; Octavio Moreno; Greenbriar Consortium; David Kirk
Say, Have You Never Heard That Those Noble Dons Are Usually Unfaithful...
Walter Steffens; Sonja Bruzauskas; Todd R. Miller; Benjamin LeClair; Octavio Moreno; Greenbriar Consortium; David Kirk
To Hell with Him!
Walter Steffens; Sonja Bruzauskas; Todd R. Miller; Benjamin LeClair; Octavio Moreno; Greenbriar Consortium; David Kirk
Oh, I Almost Forgot, I Have a Letter to Deliver to You
Walter Steffens; Sonja Bruzauskas; Todd R. Miller; Benjamin LeClair; Octavio Moreno; Greenbriar Consortium; David Kirk
5 Songs on Hölderlin, Op. 95  
No. 1, Hyperions Schicksalsied
Walter Steffens; Sonja Bruzauskas; Tali Morgulis
No. 2, Sonnenuntergang
Walter Steffens; Sonja Bruzauskas; Tali Morgulis
No. 3, Die Linien des Lebens (Fragment II)
Walter Steffens; Sonja Bruzauskas; Tali Morgulis
No. 4, Geh unter, schöne Sonne
Walter Steffens; Sonja Bruzauskas; Tali Morgulis
No. 5, Hälfte des Lebens
Walter Steffens; Sonja Bruzauskas; Tali Morgulis
Digital Booklet
In many ways, Walter Steffens' TWO CELLS IN SEVILLA is a work of polar opposites. Quasi-tonal but modern, traditional but minimalist, the German composer has created an opera uniting two historical protagonists as multi-faceted as the music itself. The libretto, written by Steffens' son Marec Béla Steffens, fancifully merges the lives of Brother Gabriel Téllez, best known under his pen name Tirso de Molina as the inventor of the fictional womanizer Don Juan, and that of Miguel de Cervantes, the author of windmill-fighting Don Quixote. Both look upon the world from their own respective confines – the monk Brother Gabriel from his cloister, Don Miguel from a debtor's prison cell. Their divine literary outbursts are provoked by a very mundane desire indeed: Both habitats share the same slothful cook, a lady with a penchant for gallant novels. Spurred by the same simple wish of enjoying a heartier fare, both Brother Gabriel and Don Miguel de Cervantes embark on a competition to come up with the raciest, most exciting novel to win the good will of their cook. The music captures this dialectic perfectly, conveying a grandiose arc of drama with deceptive ease and at the same time elevating the mundane to greatness. It would be tempting to diagnose enlightened undertones in the libretto as well as in the music: For as sublime as the work sounds, it remains deeply committed to the human spirit. Two Cells in Sevilla is rounded off by Steffens' musical interpretation of five poems by fellow-German Friedrich Hölderlin, widely known for the intensely lyrical, idealistic quality of his work and his tragic descent into insanity. With these lieder's ethereal fluctuation between beauty and pain, they truly are an apt choice for an album as full of contrasts as this one.
48 kHz / 24-bit PCM – Navona Studio Masters
Track title
(dB FS)
(dB FS)
Album average
Range of values
-4.94 to -0.50
-27.62 to -22.68
-24.40 to -18.30
12 to 16
Atishoo! Pater Noster qui es in coelis...
Prayer Book, My Foot! It's a Romance I'm Reading!
I Am the Giant Caraculiambro
Say, Have You Never Heard That Those Noble Dons Are Usually Unfaithful...
To Hell with Him!
Oh, I Almost Forgot, I Have a Letter to Deliver to You
No. 1, Hyperions Schicksalsied
No. 2, Sonnenuntergang
No. 3, Die Linien des Lebens (Fragment II)
No. 4, Geh unter, schöne Sonne
No. 5, Hälfte des Lebens

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